Education is
the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.- Nelson Mandela
I am a product
of the public school system. There, I
said it. I don’t think it's such a shame
or that I should wear a scarlet letter because I attended the local school in
my town. Many students don’t realize
that there are options in terms of schooling.
They board the bus day in and day out, attending the school just miles
from their home. This is normal in many
ways, yet in many ways this will soon become the exception and not the rule.
Over the past
week, I have had the opportunity to listen to scholars, correspondents and
various educators speak about the differences in public school and school
choice. I am unsure of many things, but
one thing that I am sure of is whether my life would have turned out better if I
had gone to private school. Would I have
chosen a different path? I ask this because
I was able to attend prestigious universities for both undergraduate and
graduate school. I am content with my
educational coffer. However, there are
many that believe the opposite. Public
school isn’t perfect, but is any educational institution? How did so many products of the public school
system become its biggest critics?
This question looms
over every debate. I believe that
education is the only weapon that we have against so many injustices and
obstacles, but does it matter where that education is offered? This is a topic that I will focus on and
revisit for the next few posts on this blog.
I hope you will enjoy this journey with me.
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